Cherry Blossom Parade
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Participants Line up at 9:00AM. Parade will start at 10:00AM.
The Cherry Blossom Parade is a time honored tradition of the Barberton Area Jaycees. Families begin setting up chairs along the parade route early Saturday morning to claim "their" spots. The parade normally has about 100 entries, everything from fire trucks to belly dancers, lasting approximately 2 hours. All businesses, non-profit groups, classic car enthusiasts, bands, twirlers and sports teams are welcome to enter. Complete an application to join in the fun! Non-profits are free and for-profit businesses & politicians are $40 to enter. Applications are always available beginning March 1. Line up number & street will be emailed out to participants on May 8. Applications can still be accepted. Participants will be added to the end of the parade.
You can pay your application fees by clicking here.
This will take you to the Barberton Area Jaycees Online Payment Service.
Grand Marshal
Leader of the Cherry Blossom Parade
The Grand Marshal is awarded the honor of leading the Cherry Blossom Parade. Following are community members that have been selected by the Barberton Area Jaycees in past years:
2019 - Shaun Jaber
2018 - Barberton Magics Football Team
2017 - Ofc. Kenneth Cheatham
2016 - Ohio Veterans Memorial Park Committee
2015 - Barberton Lady Magics Basketball Team
2014 - Cheryl Vespoint, Barberton Herald
2013 - Magical Theatre Company
2012 - William B Judge, Barberton Mayor
2011 - Vince Morber, Barberton Police Chief
2010 - Jeff Lank, US Jaycees President
2009 - Betty Sutton, US Representative
2008 - Earl Baker, Purple Man
2007 - Wayne Ault, Jaycee Founding Member
2006 - Walt Ritzman, Businessman/Philanthropist