Early Contests
Pre-Festival Special Promotions
Win free tickets, fries and drink with any of our early bird conests! Fun for all ages!
Amateur Cake Decorating Contest
Opperated by Grandma's Ceramic Hutch
We Welcome All Amateur Bakers!
Individuals, or teams of up to 6, qualifying amateurs may compete in one of our three skill levels: Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced!
Pizza Eating Contests
Opperated by East of Chicago Pizza
East of Chicago Pizza will be hosting not one, but two free Pizza contests! A Pizza Relay Race AND a Pizza Eating Contest!
Bon Appétit
Opperated by Barberton Area Jaycees
This hilarious sandwich relay is not for the weak of stomach! Teams race to construct and consume some pretty unique sandwiches!
Cardboard Boat Races
Back again this year is this exciting event! Teams have one hour to construct a boat out of cardboard, and then race against eachother in Lake Anna!
Fishing Derby
Kids ages 4-12 are encouraged to bring fishing gear & find a greatspot around Lake Anna. The free one-hour contest begins when the horn sounds on Sunday, May 20 @ 1PM.
Pie Eating Contest
Our traditional cherry pie eating conests is free and available for all ages!
Penny Search
For Children ages 2-7! About 2,000 pennies are scattered in the grass, each group collects the pennies in search of the 'magic' penny.